Shamanic Awakenings in Integrated Tantra

 Holy Love is a Ritual of Remembrance

ENTER THE TEMPLE OF BLISS. Discover and reclaim your true Self in Integrated Tantra Practices of Loving Embodied Awareness. We are a Sacred Temple Arts Collective in Tantra Massage, Tantra Yoga & Shamanic Healing, available here to the curious, the novice, the initiated and the adept. In the Temple of Bliss, both the Practitioner and the Receiver become Mirrors for the growth, transmissions and revelations in the sacred crucible.

We invite you to celebrate with us The Art & Body of Bliss. Expand and repose in pure awareness. The cross represents the human body and the rose represents the individual's unfolding consciousness.

You are welcome to visit us in one of our many Temples of Tantra, where you will find 64 Yoginis: Modern Day Tantrikas, Temple Dakinis, Tantra Teachers, Healers, Certified Massage Therapists, Yoga Teachers, Spiritual Counselors, Life & Love Coaches, Workshop Leaders, Ceremonies, Weddings & our Tantrik Ministry of Holy Love. We are Women on the "Pathless Path" of Truth, Remembrance, Transformation, Embodiment and Presence. We honor and respect the Body Temple, as we learn and practice the ancient temple arts of wisdom weaving.

In bliss, only love exists. In Tantra these bodies are our gifts to awaken and realize Heaven, Nirvana, Supreme Bliss, Shambhala, God/dess, Pure Awareness all here now. Our Intention is to Activate, Move, Inspire and Heal thru Loving Touch, Beauty, Awareness & Presence. We are here to be open Channels to Source. Holy Love is a ritual of remembrance.

64 Yoginis in Temple of Bliss Calendars:

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All established clients scheduling TEXT only please.

San Francisco Bay Area Tantra

San Francisco: (415) 683-7607  Tantrika

Downtown Oakland: (510) 545-6834 Zen 

Marin County: (415) 323-0163 Lotus

Los Angeles Tantra

Hollywood: (213) 290-4467 Shakti Palace 

Venice Beach: (323) 521-9776 Mystic Ritual

Santa Monica: (323) 521-9776 Tantrasara 

San Diego Tantra

Little Italy: (917) 475-6747 Ocean

New York Tantra

Manhattan: (646) 580-6150 Trika

Miami Tantra

Limited Monthly 2023 dates (see Miami page)

Miami: (305) 697-8444‬ Sun Priestess

Permanent location coming in November 2023

More Cities

Santa Cruz, San Diego & Newport Beach: (917) 475-6747 Gypsy Temple

All new clients scheduling see form below.