E Nectar Bast
Big medicine can be hard to swallow... just like our grandmother queen of the forest is big medicine, so are you Shaktiva. Grandmother flows through us completely, stirring up our mind, body, and spirit, so that our whole being can become cleansed and conscious... I see that some people have a more difficult experience with big medicine when their minds and bodies are more polluted, stagnant, or unconscious.

Lycée La Plume
December 5, 2009
I absolutely love you. My appreciation for you continues to grow and grow.... you are love in flesh~manifest.... ♥ oh Precious One, you bring brilliance to the world: you bring hope and peace, love, joy, truth , dignity, and honesty..... these are the reasons humans are so beautiful and you hold this life with such grace..... Love you...

Bunny Brewer Arlotti
November 30, 2009
You cradled me like a mother, talked with me like a sister, and walked with me like a friend, and for this I am grateful.

Chad Ashley Vandenberg
November 26, 2009
Shaktiva! ...dear divine apprehender of truth! May this year be blessed with peace clarity and freedom overflowing through all your thoughts feelings and actions. Thank you for your raw courage, tenacity, focus, and simultaneous holding of the bliss vibe! You are an inspiration!

Fernando Feel Good Feathers
November 24, 2009
Joyful you are and will always be for sharing your true essence in this world to blossom like rare sweet flowers.

Lauren Haha
November 24, 2009
SHamAnAmA!!!! Holy Goddess! You have been such a shining supportive and ridiculously strong light in my life! I appreciate you SOOO much....Thank you for showing me what is possible in the physical realms, the yogi realms, and beyond.....you are an angel Tigress with a whole team of light beings backing you up. Thank you for sharing that light!

Daka Rasa
November 24, 2009
dear Goddess... wishing you Love and Light- in deep gratitude for ALL that you contribute to this beauty-filled World

Tyler Nilson
November 24, 2009
the day you were born the sun and moon joined in an eclipse of the heart to bring forth the light of your majesty. highest praises to you dear queen for all that you are and all that you offer to the evolution of life in all ways... love.

Wahkeena Sitka
November 24, 2009
thank you for all the hard work you do every day!

Souleye Mario TreadwaySeptember 24, 2009
Thank-you for that Loving at Symbiosis! And the incredible oils and scent of an ancient Egyptian Isis! Yum... I'm like Hermes over here, jeezzz.

Natalia PriceSeptember 16, 2009
Hi love....Missing you Goddess. Today was the one year anniversary of Stevens's passing. I'm at my parents and we went to the river where we spread his ashes and made an altar and said prayers. He is with us so strong. I'm so thankful for the opportunity you created for us to come together in magic. You are... so amazing like that. I adore you precious one.

Rebecca Astara
August 1, 2009
Awesome to be in your presence. Love & Magic until we meet again.

Shivoso Phoenix

August 1, 2009
Hey amazing one, I've always appreciated the work you do and respected the way you carry yourself.

Michael Horrace

August 2, 2009
Hello Shaktiva,
I feel the need to reach out to you and share a little ... I was going through some of Steven's papers and I came across all the email correspondence between the two of you, and it filled me with so much love and joy. I could feel all of your kind loving words, prayers and mantras that you sent him, just the overwhelming loving support for one another.

I once told you that I channeled in your energy to help guide me through some tough times while Steven was making his journey from this life to the next. You my love were my Goddess of wisdom and knowledge, you gave me the strength to seek answers to what I didn't know and to be wise in all my actions and interactions with others. Thank you once again for what you have taught me has helped me continue on my divine path that the universe has set for me with the thirst to learn more so I can be a truly clear vessel of healing universal love to help others whom are in need.

There are many beautiful souls in the community out there ~and so many of them have helped me in so many different ways~ ... but when I think of you, I truly feel this amazing connection with you ... as a strong woman, a mother, a mentor and a vessel of pure loving knowledge.

I love you and hold you dear!

Live in Light. Live in Love!

Michael "Horus-Kai"

Michael Horrace

July 20, 2009
Thank you! Thank you for posting all of the beautiful pictures from the Sacred Council ... Lovevolution meeting! I was sad that I couldn't attend but after see all of the beautiful pictures, all the beautiful faces who did attend their energy filled me with shivers and tears of joyful loving light. Shaktiva again THANK YOU FOR ALL THAT YOU DO FOR ALL OF US! I love you and want you to know that when I think of my divine path and the work I am doing and have yet to do ... I think of you guiding me to the light. oxoxoxo MM

Melodia Medley

July 19, 2009
Thank you for your gentle reminder to honor oneself. I honor you as I honor my own word... To not make promises that cannot be kept. Your council and your beauty.., again astounds me. Thank you powerful SiSTAR! You are such an inspiration to me! Your strength, wisdom, beauty and integrity astound me each and every day! Your positive presence in my life has kept me going strong as I have delved into my shadow. Thank you spirit for gifting me with such a dear and powerful friend. I LOVE YOU!

Elizabeth Bast

July 17, 2009

i love the space that you hold in this world... you are having ripple-effects beyond your wildest imagination, or then again, you probably know it...Infinite thanks to you high priestess!! We will sing your praises for eternity. You are a mind-blower, and I mean that in the nicest way possible. we are reveling in the afterglow of your perfection. xoxo, all my love and devotion, e.

Niema Lightseed

July 17, 2009
thank you for such a beautiful experience. I hope to connect with you more, soon.

DreamingBear Baraka Kanaan

July 17, 2009
Mahalo sweet goddess for holding space, wise counsel, & for being the divine female embodied! let's continue to play:) ah hui ho!

Michael GaioNovember 27, 2007
Shaktiva leads us in engaging with the immediate urgency of being alive. Her Tigress gait leads us thru the jungles of sensual abundance, by a masterful prowess to hunt for love in all of its glitter and fur, to jump and bite thru into the tender fire source of juice and joy. Again and again, leading thru the ancient gateways of the eternal lesson: to hunt and ravish our hearts desire until ... we have finally found our greatest belonging ... ourselves, lying naked and delicately alive on the fertile ground of truth.

MaKayLaH aka McClever or D.C.P (dr. clevJuly 7, 2007
The most powerful spell is the one you cast on yourself. Shivakti-Shaktiva, a name chosen to honor that which we all carry within, both male and female energies. Her name represents uniting the two (Shiva & Shakti) into a balanced state. There is no denying her powerful presence. Her electricity is alive and creative as she weaves her magic into being a WoMan. She exudes an undulating kundalini force of sensual prowess that is undeniable. She is a cat and she's not afraid to pounce. This Woman lives Large and in Charge!!!

A spell has been cast…

Shivakti-Shaktiva is ready to be met by her male equal.

Are you ready to meet this Tantric Priestess?

Tallulah SulisJune 27, 2007
Meooowwwzzaaa!! Shivakti is a true activator- ShAktivator and Bliss Warrior. It is a Blessing to share ceremony and sacred space with a High Priestess and an absolute gift to share in her yummy, honest, and delightful friendship. She is Wise Mother, Sweet Sister, and Enchanting Lover of Life. She plants Cosmic StarSeeds and deliciously Births us into Flight.... Incoming!!!!Blessed Be Luscious SuperGoddess,Tallulah

bast e.June 3, 2007
Shivakti Shaktiva... the sweetest, the strongest... a pure channel... a high priestess in love with the divine... you make human existence exquisite... and very very cozy and posh!
You have blessed my life!
Love, love, love...

kyantixMarch 5, 2007
Powerful & soft, subtle & strong, wise & childlike. You are the unique place where opposites meet in grace.
I have always appreciated your love, friendship and guidance, but especially through the years and the many trials and triumphs we have shared, our connection has deepened, become more real & means more to me with each passing day. thank you for being so definitively, uncompromisingly YOU.

You are a teacher and a deviant. you are an angel and a naughty nymph. I love you

sweet SATSUMISeptember 5, 2005

She's a Tigress,
None can Tame Her!
The Sun Lovers Priestess!
She emanates such strength and power!
Yet when you come a little closer, if you dare, you can feel
her soft, gentle nature. She's a true caring friend!
Yeah, and she's fun and funny Too!!!
I love you!
Keep on shinning!!!

Skydancer ?August 16, 2005
It's an honor to know this truly inspirational being. She's an angel, a goddess, a shaman, a priestess, and an absolutely divine human. This world is blessed to have someone such as she... devoted to truth, awakening, healing, and bliss. I bow to Shivatki's love and light. Namaste.

stuartJune 7, 2005
Amazing, inspiring, able to call you on your shit in a single word!
Superwoman has nothing compared to this goddess. Always a yummy moment when you are in her presence.
White Tantra Tiger says it all, think about it!!

*Sherry Huggi-Ma*
January 22, 2005
Gosh, this woman! As a Sagittarius, she's one of the few people who can successfully call you on your shit and then, moments later, bat her beautiful blue eyes, snuggle up to you like a cat, and act like nothing happened. And while you're snuggling with her, you may wipe your forehead and wonder, "What just happened?" Folks, you've got to be quick for this tigress. She's a dozen different amazing entities all rolled into the body of one priestess. If the world had one ounce of the energy Shivakti has, our planet would have long since evolved to the next dimension. Watch out, here she comes....RRRAAAAAAARRRRR!!!!

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