Luke Brown’s visionary art is an open portal into the higher-dimensions of our being. Riding on the wings of the creative imagination, Luke is being dreamed up as a medium, oracle and amplifier for a deeper process of awakening that is unfolding in the collective mind-field of our species. In creatively giving such unique and vivid shape and form to his inner experience, which is to say himself, Luke is stepping into the archetypal role of shaman and healer for the community at large, which in this case is the whole human species. In being in-formed by and creatively translating the deeper transpersonal energies that are pulsing through him into a communicable language, Luke taps into forms, vibrations and realizations that exist in the formless, synchronic, archetypal dimension of consciousness itself. This is a dimension existing “outside of time” – which, like hidden treasures of the soul, are waiting to be discovered, formulated and brought forth so as to be rendered into visible form at the right moment “in time.”